Band: Outnumbered
From: Burlington, Vermont
Their formation story:
(Matt Kimball, guitar): "The vocalist of Outnumbered, Mikey, is one of my oldest friends. He's a little bit older than me and is the reason why I got into punk. He used to book 'punk in the park' in Rutland, Vermont around 2000/2001. His band at the time, The Scams, was the first real punk band I ever saw. I eventually moved to Burlington, Vermont in 2008 where he lived. We had a few bands together through 2016, but we haven't played together since then.
"Mikey is an incredible frontman and I really missed seeing him on stage, so I told him he's gotta get back up there! Our bassist, Nick Grandchamp is also a really old friend of mine and he's been in some really great bands too, like Get a Grip. He's currently the guitarist in Dead Street Dreamers. We've played in some bands together too, but it's been a minute.
"Our drummer Kevin I just met, but he's really cool...and a lawyer! Also a very talented audio engineer and he recorded the demo. Basically we all missed making music together!"
Their sound in their own words:
"I think all of us missed playing a heavier version of hardcore, but at the end of the day we're all still punks so we're trying to strike that balance. I see a lot of bands that are 'hardcore,' but they really just sound like metalcore to me. Which is totally fine, I just think hardcore needs to retain an element of punk. I dunno, maybe I'm showing my age with that perspective, but I still need fast parts!
"I'd say Trial, Judge, Strife, and older bands like that are obvious influences. But also 'newer' bands like Rival Mob, Outbreak, Boston Strangler..."
Latest release info:
"We just recorded our first demo. It's 5 songs in like 8 minutes. I think it's hard hitting and Mikey's vocals sound pretty mean, which is exactly what I was hoping for. We did all the instruments live in Kevin's basement, except for vocals.
"Kevin did a killer job mixing it and we got my friend Will Hirst (you may know him from awesome bands like Restraining Order) to master it. We're planning on a physical release on tape at some point here. Hopefully in the next couple of months."
Future plans:
"Immediate plans remain to be seen. We're just looking to do something laid back and fun, but also stick our neck out there when we can. No plans for touring, but maybe some regional New England/Northeast shows."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
"Blossum, Void Bringer, Voices in Vain, Commitment in Pain, Torn, Split In Half, Cooked, Robbery, Violet Crimes, Dead Street Dreamers, Corrupt World, Black Axe, No Soul, Gumskab, Misery Whip. Not in our area, but Dry Socket is amazing. I also play in The Path....we've been playing for a long time."

Tagged: outnumbered