Band: Out Sick!
From: Baltimore, Maryland
Their formation story:
(Lindsey, bassist): "We’ve all been friends for a while, but none of us had been in an active band for a few years. Joe and Dan wanted to start a band that would allow them to play instruments they hadn’t in past projects–drums for Joe and guitar for Dan. I joined a bit later, having been sold on the premise 'We want to play what the Ninja Turtles would listen to. (It’s evolved a little bit since then.)
"We knew we wanted Kristin to come on board, but we weren’t sure if she would want to come all the way up from DC on a regular basis. We’re really lucky she’s willing to make the trek up to Baltimore. We’ve been taking it really slow. The mantra throughout the whole last year has been 'vibes above all'—nobody wants this to be stressful or just another thing on their to-do list for the week.
"As cheesy as it sounds, it’s been important for us to keep our friendships and the fun of making music together at the center of this whole thing."
Their sound in their own words:
"We have a playlist of songs Joe and Dan started when they first started playing together, and we update it here and there as we think of things it would be cool to bring in. GEL, Tørsö, G.L.O.S.S., Suicidal Tendencies, and Oglio e Olio-era Beastie Boys all feature prominently."
Latest release info:
"We’ve been playing together for almost a year now, and it feels really good to finally have our demo out. We all have day jobs but absolutely blazed through the recording process. We’ve played and recorded in other bands, and it helps that our drummer, Joe, has a long history of recording punk and hardcore bands.
"Lyrically speaking, some of the songs have been an opportunity for Kristin to process some things that have happened in her life in the last few years, but a few of the songs speak to the experiences of women–the weaponized incompetence they experience at home and in the workplace, the unreciprocated emotional labor and compassion they provide to the men in their lives, etc."
Future plans:
"Our first show is around the corner, and we’re excited to finally play in front of people. We’re starting to record four more completed songs and getting back to writing new ones."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
"Oh, bands that we either know and love and/or are doing the damn thing? Shout out to B.R.A.T., Cryptid Summer, Doubt, Grudge, Hormone, Jivebomb, Knub, Mast Year, NO/MÁS, Nø Man, Pearl, Pilau, Saffron, Tripper, and Truth Cult."
Out Sick! on social media: Instagram | Bandcamp

Tagged: out sick