Band: Orphan Source
From: Moberly, Missouri
Their formation story:
(Pearl Tenderloin, vocals): "Orphan Source first began in September of 2023. It was the brainchild of our guitarist Rustbelt Ricky who was looking to create a band with the aesthetics of the 1950s, the paranoia of an impending nuclear warfare with the sound to match. Ricky worked with Oldy and one day Oldy casually brought up that he played drums, and Ricky invited him over to start jamming.
"There was initially a different bassist that didn’t stick around in this era, but in the beginning of 2024, Rustbelt recruited bassist Cheadle in January and I, Pearl, auditioned for vocals in February. We rocked as a 4 piece for months crafting our debut album until in August of 2024 we had Billy Napalm join as a second guitarist to really fill in our sound."
Their sound in their own words:
"Our sound is Nuclear Punk Hardcore. Several genres getting wrapped into one we crossover just about everything, but we aim to be punk-focused above all else while implementing elements of hardcore, thrash, and in the future, some beatdown and doom/black metal vibes."
Latest release info:
"Our latest release was actually our debut album titled You Can Do Nothing. This was an entirely DIY project recorded in a house without plumbing. We took the time to record it and approach it like old-school punk and the sound really reflects that.
"It's full of hard-hitting lyrics, riffs that weigh more than an atom bomb, and a deep hatred for the government. We just put out our first music video for 'Waffle Stomp.'"
Future plans:
"We plan to spend the first part of 2025 locked in the bunker to record new music and plan to hone in our sound going forward with a few shows sprinkled in. After we build a little bank of music we plan to hit the road and play as many shows as we can.
"Being in Missouri, we touch so many states with so many unique scenes we’d love to play with anyone who wants us to throw down. Hit the DM we wanna two-step in all 50 states!"
What other bands from their region should we check out?
"You must check out Hockey Smile, Littered With Arrows, Degrave, Provoke The Colossus, HardHanded, Lowest Life, Locked Shut, God’s Computer, Nerver, and Backhand!"
Orphan Source on social media: Instagram

Tagged: orphan source