Band: No Allegiance
From: Central Massachusetts
Their formation story:
(Josh Dalton, guitars): "We formed just about two years ago post pandemic all with the same mindset of never wanting to be without live music again like how the industry suffered during those times. You really took for granted going to shows to see your favorite bands and better yet, not being able to play shows yourself.
"Myself and our vocalist (Rob) have a extensive history playing in a band together that did pretty well back in the day. So, when he reached out to me saying he wanted to get another band going I was all for it. He already had a couple other guys in mind so once we all met, we instantly started jamming.
"Fast forward some time of writing, a few shows, developing our sound and name, we stuck on our current line up today which is Josh Dalton (guitar), Drew Caruso (guitar), Jon DeVries (bass/vocals), Rob Tiberio (vocals), and Chris Mulvey (drums)."
Their sound in their own words:
"We definitely formed as a 'hardcore' band but I knew personally with my writing style and music taste it was going to become more of a metalcore band. I love breakdowns too much.
"I think we mesh the breakdowns/2 step/and groovy parts very well. I feel like a lot of bands will just choose one box and be afraid to step out of it. During the writing process we just had the mentality of we can do whatever we want and didn’t need to conform under any one genre.
"I'm not saying we’re the most original band by any means, but it is nice to sit back and think who and what do we sound like exactly [laughs]. It’s just heavy."
Latest release info:
"Our newest release, Left to Die, has been in the making for quite some time. It’s crazy that songs we have been playing since the beginning of our band are just now being released. I’ve never wanted to rush the process, and wanted to make sure when we went to record our new EP that we could all stand behind it 1000%.
"When we reformed our band and Drew stepped aside from drums and became our guitar player along side of me that’s when I really felt our band gained the momentum we needed to write more songs and record shortly after. He sent over a rough demo for 'Left to Die' and we all knew that was going to be one of the top songs off the album and loved the new elements he was bringing to our song writing. When we started talking about music videos, we all knew that was the song we were going to film one for.
"Chris was the last to join but made a huge impact being able to help bring to life what we all just recorded. It’s one thing to record an awesome album but if you can’t play it live to its fullest potential than what’s the point. He helps us achieve that nonetheless
"Everyone brought their best for this EP and it really shows. We like to keep things very direct with no fluff in between. Straight to the point, in your face kinda vibes.
"I think this EP represents us very well with all the different styles we like to incorporate. Huge shout-out to Rob and Jon for killing it vocally. These guys really make the songs come to life with their vocals."

Future plans:
"Definitely focusing on playing shows and pushing our music everywhere we possibly can.
"Playing shows for quite some time and more than half your set was unreleased music was definitely frustrating at times. So to now have all of our songs out there for the world to hear really is a weight off our shoulders. This scene is so great that even with unreleased music and being a newer band, so many people would pop off for us and pick up merch after our set.
"We have begun writing more music which really takes it up a notch already…"
What other bands from their region should we check out?
"This scene we have here in Central MA has been the best I’ve ever seen it. Being a part of the older crowd now, the new up and coming wave of hardcore is insane. Kids go absolutely crazy at shows and every band really supports one another.
"Shout-out to CMHC and these bands: Fishface, Shapethrower, Hollow Teeth, Clock Out, Hard Target, and Wisdom & War. Support local music, and come to shows."
No Allegiance on social media: Instagram

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