Band: NIXD
From: Texas, Illinois, England
Their formation story:
(Mike, drums/vocals): "We've been friends from back in the late '90s, early 2000s and met from touring together in the UK a few times, and doing a split release together from our old bands American Heritage and Art of Burning Water. We kept in touch all these years and just wanted to make this project happen."
Their sound in their own words:
(Keef, guitar/vocals): "Stylewise, I think we are a hardcore punk band at heart but there are other elements of crusty crossover '90s AmRep-era noise era foolishness in there too. Hardcore used to be very varied and bands were unique way back.
"Necros sounded different to Jerry's Kids and Negative Approach were different to Bad Brains who were different to Gorilla Biscuits who were different to The Faith, etc. But they were all hardcore bands that all had their unique take on the genre and I think we might channel that kind of vibe."
Latest release info:
(Mike, drums/vocals): "The vision was to bring it back old school… totally DIY type of don’t give a fuck attitude and make it sound as such. Make it fast. Make it raw. Make it heavy. Make it sound like us live. Capture our personalities and do it ourselves. Recorded completely by ourselves with no proper studio…just three dudes, 4 mics, an input mixer, and a laptop.
"It was completely live with only vocal tracks recorded separately. And then to complete the project by getting it all of the way to a 7-inch pressing and digital release. Been a great time and totally uplifting to do it by ourselves. I think the resulting sound captured the spirit and intention. With a resulting sound which doesn’t sound like some 50-year-old dudes—which we are—but rather sounds feral, raw, and completely organic and true to our roots."
Future plans:
(Scott, bass): "We are reuniting in Clyde, Texas in the coming months to bang out another one. The distance and schedules make touring near impossible, but I'd drop everything and do it in a heartbeat."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
(Mike, drums/vocals): "We call Clyde our homebase, a country town of about 3800 people, as it was the smallest town of the three places we live: Clyde, Chicago, and London. I live in Clyde, Scott in Chicago, and Keef in London. So since we are from all over the globe, there is not really a particular region to reference."
(Keef, guitar/vocals): "There are no other punk/hardcore bands in our region in Clyde. [Laughs] We are Clyde's hardcore scene, bruh!"