Band: Kingslayer
From: East Lansing, Michigan
Their formation story:
(Mike Perrone, guitar): "I knew Alex and Josh my entire life from going to the same grade school. I went to Michigan State and they went to Central Michigan. I would always go up there to visit every weekend and there was a good portion where I lived at CMU more than MSU. Josh and I picked up learning instruments over the pandemic.
"MSU didn't allow students to live on campus that 2020-2021 year so I lived at home learning by playing guitar for many hours every single day. In early 2021, Brandon joined the band. A lot of things fell into place in the right way over the past few years and I'm happy at all the experiences and new friends that we have made along the way."
Their sound in their own words:
(Brandon Mehl, vocals): "We definitely carry a metallic hardcore sound; lots of triplets and panic chords. Fast Drums and distorted guitars give fans of both hardcore and metal something to enjoy."
(Mike Perrone, guitar): "Adding to what Brandon said, most of our tracks are around 160 BPM range but when we play live, we play superspeed and I swear they break 200 BPM. Regarding influences, I recorded a lot of demos this past year that can definitely be traced back to what I was listening to at the time.
"I am trying to incorporate more industrial elements to our releases. One of my earliest memories in life was being a little kid and watching an Eddie Guerrero video after he passed away with 'The Hand That Feeds' by Nine Inch Nails as the music. NIN has been one of my favorite bands my entire life."
Latest release info:
(Brandon Mehl, vocals): "We released a compilation on 6/14 with a bunch of our friends spread all across Michigan. It features songs from 5 local Michigan bands with lots of vocal features. We re-recorded an old song and had Self Absorbed from Lansing and Decedent from Mount Pleasant both have vocal features on it."
(Mike Perrone, guitar): "There's also a Tyrant Powerviolence feature on it if you listen close enough [1:12]. The song is called 'Fifth Horseman (Harder).'"
Future plans:
(Mike Perrone, guitar): "We have a few shows lined up this year across Michigan with the most recent one being in East Lansing on 9/14. Shoutout Mayhem Booking. Shoutout Scumlxrd. Excited to finally come to Grand Rapids for the first time in November.
"We're trying to put together a 4-day weekender in the spring so if you have booking connections in the Detroit, Grand Rapids, and Fort Wayne area... You should definitely hit us up."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
Decedent (Mount Pleasant)
Self Absorbed (East Lansing)
No Refuge (Grand Rapids)
D0nnie Brasc0 (Mount Pleasant)
Dropped At Birth (East Lansing)
Pain Divine (Grand Rapids)
Nothing to Bleed (Kalamazoo)
Fists and Fifths (Jackson)
Sacrifice of Life (Jackson)
Kingslayer on social media: Instagram

Tagged: kingslayer