Band: Empire Demolition
From: Denver, Colorado
Their formation story:
(Kendrick Lemke, guitar/vocals): "Nick and I played together in various bands over 2010-2017 in Florida. After he moved out to Denver in 2017, I played in other bands for a few years before also moving out to Denver in 2021. We met Justin shortly after, and knew we had cemented a lineup for a new band pretty quickly."
Their sound in their own words:
(Justin Redington, vocals/bass): "In my opinion, it would be a disservice to us as a band to stay in one lane stylistically. Between the three of us, we listen to a wide range of subgenres and end up taking influence from a ton of stuff, so our style ends up being kind of hard to pinpoint.
"I mainly want people to feel the intense emotions behind our music. Huge influences for me would be bands like Fear Before the March of Flames, Dillinger, Converge etc., any band that’s ever pushed the envelope and bent genres. That chaotic energy is something that inspires us all."
Latest release info:
Justin: "We put out our debut release, Defenestration, on January 12th. It was a lot of fun to write, as we were really getting our gears moving together as a unit for the first time. We tried to keep it as DIY as possible—we tracked drums in our practice space, guitars and bass at Kendrick’s apartment, and vocals in my basement.
"Kendrick did the mix/master, I did the video stuff, we all collaborated on the art and graphics, we self-funded a limited run of cassettes and CDs, and did all the promo. We really wanted to come out swinging."
Future plans:
(Nicholas Herrera, drums): "Writing new music and playing live beyond Colorado. Expect the same energy from our next releases, but with a few surprises we are excited to let loose."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
Justin: "Poison Tribe really welcomed / invited us to the local scene, check them out!"
Kendrick: "Also check out Clarion Void, Burn Unit, Cadaver Dog, Upon a Field's Whisper, and Cronos Compulsion!"
Nick: "No. Japan is the closest land with anything I would suggest. Listen to Utada Hikaru."
Hit the Empire Demolition Linktree to find all of their social media pages and video work.

Tagged: empire demolition