For the deepest of divers, it’s been long known that Andrew at Aversionline is sitting on a goldmine. The perennial tastemaker has again hit pay dirt, this time in the form of a Richmond two piece. The duo Roseneath, composed of the surname sacrificing Jason R. and Brian G. are a self-appointed “grungegaze” band. While they do indeed revel in the slacker fuzz of the '90s and the lush tones of shoegaze, Roseneath are far too propulsive to stare at their pedal boards, let along their shoes.
Having separately served time in equally worthwhile listens Breaths and Cosmonauts, it’s the latter that’ll tip the listener a bit to what’s in store. Not so much sonically, but the aforementioned Brian’s previous band had their material handled by one Matt Talbot of Hum and Earth Analog Recording Studio. One can’t help but hear echoes of Swervedriver or the god-tier melodies on Downward is Heavenward.
Song of the Day “By a Thread” opts for a driving sound packed with instantly memorable moments that finds them leaning on their true weapon and a silent partner in their band bio… post-hardcore.
There are hints of modern heavies Slow Crush, Narrow Head, and Drug Church, but I’m also catching bits of post hardcore’s architects Quicksand, Far, and Seaweed.
Launching with a guitar riff that’d have ruled alternative rock radio in both 1994 and the early ‘oughts (peep that Vines “Get Free” guitar sound!), the song is a taut four minutes that still somehow feels all too brief.
The full-sized sound is topped with a perfect vocal mix that’s both upfront and commanding. The eschew the buried, hazy vocal approach of classic shoegaze and we’re all the luckier for it, as it’s one earworm after the other. The song is littered with dazzling moments like the perfectly slotted and spare backing vocals.
This is just the beginning. Spring is coming and the rose ‘neath the snow is set to bloom. Wake up and smell ‘em.
Tagged: roseneath