I've known the members of new band WiiRMZ for years. Their previous groups were some of my favorite Louisville acts, but the songs on their new record, Faster Cheaper, are next-level special.
I interviewed new member, Chad Castetter (Endpoint, Sunsrping, Metroschifter), about WiiRMZ and his entry into their lineup.
How did you come to joining WiiRMZ? Did you have a relationship with the other guys in the band beforehand?
After being blown away by their first show, I told Brad White (Hot Wires, Rockerbuilt) kind of jokingly, but not really, "if you ever find yourselves needing a guitar player, I'd love to plug that hole." Dave Wright was one of the founding members, and he decided he no longer wanted to continue as a member of the band.
Dave left amicably. I stepped in. I was already familiar with their set as I'd seen every show they'd played so it took no time at all to figure out the songs and we were on our way.
They'd just finished recording Faster Cheaper and all that was left to do was mix the record. I just figured I'd play on the next record. To my surprise, they decided they wanted me to lay down my parts on the recording. That really was the icing on the cake for me.
I've known Billy Bisig (Elliott) for 20, maybe 25 years now. I can't believe it's taken this long for us to play music together, but here we are. Dave Wright I've known since the '90s when he played bass for one of my favorite local bands. Starkiller. Two words: tropical depression.
Brian and Brad I've seen at shows for a few years and we had exchanged drunken pleasantries, but I've gotten to know them both way more intimately since joining WiiRMZ (wink wink).
I can't stop listening to the title track to Faster Cheaper. How did the songwriting for this song, and whole record come about?
Again, I'm the new guy so I don't know. I will say that this lineup already has nearly enough material for another record. The process for writing those wasn't anything out of the ordinary. One of us has a riff or an idea and we all take part in building upon that idea until we all decide it's finished. Our process is pretty standard, but our songs are anything but. Wouldn't you agree?
I love the hooks and the singing on the single. The rhythm section is groovy as fuck. It reminds me of Hot Snakes meets Wire meets Soft Boys. Who is playing what in the band?
Hot Snakes, Wire, and the Soft Boys are three of my favorite bands. When I saw their first show there was something about them that reminded me of Pagans (early Cleveland punk band), too. I'm honestly over the moon about being a member of this band.
Our lineup is as such:
Billy Bisig (guitar and vocals)
Brad White (drums and vocals)
Brian Gray (bass and vocals)
Yours Truly (guitar and vocals)
Faster Cheaper was released in the middle of COVID-19. Have you guys discussed any potential ways to promote the record?
We knew it was gonna be tough to get noticed by anyone outside our usual "tribe" during a worldwide pandemic. A handful of locals (old friends, fellow music lovers, local business owners) have given the record great reviews. That's a great feeling getting a glowing review from John Timmons (Ear-X-Tacy owner) was out of this world. He's someone who has watched most of us grow from obnoxious kids into, well, obnoxious adults. Adults, nonetheless.
I'm so stoked that he's still into what we're doing. That's a great feeling. Some other old friends and fellow music lovers, Brett Eugene Ralph and Matt Anthony, to name two, have also given it positive reviews. It's a pretty amazing feeling when your peers pay attention to what you're doing and give it the thumbs up.
My bands have not sorted out a way to have practice. Have you guys talked to each other on how it will work for WiiRMZ?
Brad, Brian, and I have continued practicing once a week since the outbreak. Rockerbuilt is huge so social distancing isn't a problem at all. Billy has only recently started practicing with us again. He's been quarantining at home to protect his family from the virus. He's a good boy.
Do you need a third guitarist?
A third guitarist? Only if you can defeat Billy in hand-to-hand combat. Do you think you've got what it takes to tangle with Jack Nasty? Yeah, I didn't think so...
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Tagged: wiirmz