Song of the Day
By Adam Yoe | 5.12.2021
Fans of everyone from Sex Prisoner and Lack of Interest to SPINE and World Peace take note.
By Adam Yoe | 5.3.2021
Don't let their band name fool you.
By Adam Yoe | 4.27.2021
Worshipping at the H8000 altar with winning results.
By Hugo Reyes | 4.23.2021
Boston hardcore band pens anthem (sadly) fit for these times.
By Adam Yoe | 4.21.2021
Buffalo band brings forth a sound fans of Kiss It Goodbye and Daughters need to check out.
By Hugo Reyes | 3.15.2021
The group features vocalist Martin Sorrondeguy (Los Crudos, Limp Wrist) within its ranks.
By Adam Yoe | 3.8.2021
FFO: Rorschach, Converge, The Hope Conspiracy
By Adam Yoe | 2.9.2021
Spanish group brings to mind Be Well, Down to Nothing, and Gorilla Biscuits.
By Hugo Reyes | 2.2.2021
New Japanese band blends elements of metalcore x death metal x power violence on debut release.
By Adam Yoe | 1.6.2021
FFO: '90s melodic hardcore, Western Addiction, Kid Dynamite
By Adam Yoe | 12.21.2020
Find out why the Pittsburgh trio is referred to as “Rock 'n’ Roll Wasteland Hardcore."
By Adam Yoe | 12.7.2020
The band features folks from Totalitär, Warcollapse, Krigshot, Meanwhile, and Institution get busy.
By Adam Yoe | 11.30.2020
"I hear touches of Nomeansno, Faraquet, June of 44, Seam, Sunny Day Real Estate, and Jawbox."
By Adam Yoe | 11.12.2020
FFO: Praise, GIVE, Fuel for the Hate Game-era Hot Water Music
By Dan Vanderpool | 11.11.2020
The California power-poppers are joined by Jeff Rosenstock on the track.
By Adam Yoe | 11.3.2020
FFO: Anti Cimex, Destruct, early '80s USHC
By Adam Yoe | 10.14.2020
Anthony Webster (Gel, Sick Shit, Buggy) blends hardcore, black metal, and death rock in new project.
By Hugo Reyes | 10.13.2020
This Filipino band scratches a certain Texas is the Reason itch.
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