In solidarity with those affected by the plague of police violence and state repression in Colombia, Barcelona-based record label Chaos-T Records has released a Bandcamp only, PWYC/name your price benefit compilation.
Despite the triage-like timing and immediacy of the release, this is anything but cobbled together.
In fact, La Masacre Continua stands as a crucial assemblage of international hardcore aid, focused heavily on the thriving hardcore punk scene in Bogotá.
As you’ll see, bands from other corners also lent tracks to boost the cause. All proceeds will go directly to persons in need and/or donation collectives. For those with questions and or mainline donations, please reach out to [email protected].
I figured I may as well review every single track, y’all. Here are 21 raging reasons to support, each alone worth the admission.
First up is Bogotá’s Muro. I was first tipped to this rager courtesy of Beach Impediment Records and the impeccable taste of No Echo’s own Michael D. Thorn. A perfect opener, this is a note perfect slab of blown out and ripping hardcore a la Gauze from the modern day masters.
Primer Regimen, also from Bogotá, pairs their raw-throated vocals with something a hair catchier but no less vicious. Incorporating bits of early punk and a dash of Bad Religion’s proto-skate attack, this one rules.
Systema storms in from parts unknown, at least to me. Hope to track this band down, though, because they peddle an interesting mix of doom laden, noisy hardcore with a splash of post punk. It’s moody as fuck and sports the whole comp’s best bass tone.
Victimas hails from Antioquia, Colombia. Repping a sound that owes a debt to early '80s USHC, the echoey frantic vocals help push it over the edge. There’s an absolutely killer solo tacked onto the end that begs to be heard.
Sinnaciön are self described Latinos in Paris and their lo-fi, D-beat crust is savage. It’s a treble heavy and scathing track that belies a band that’s likely otherworldly in a live setting. Catch ‘em if you’re lucky enough to, as they’re probably relegated to the squats. By choice, that is.
Sublevación’s “1312” needs no deep dive lyrical interpretation. Also of unknown origin, these folks of mystery clearly have chops but bury it beneath a cavernous and nasty recording style. No matter the language, some sentiments are universal.
NYC’s Porvenir Oscuro are a front runner for the best track, pitting an enormous drum sound to the busiest 4 strings I’ve heard in a while. The vocalist here rules, booming and sneery whilst almost showing contempt for the melodies.
Another gem comes in the form of Cuerpos De Paz, who ride in on a wave of icy post punk that morphs into ripping punk with buzzsaw guitars and shredded vocals. Rad stuff here that ends with Wipers-esque bout of gloom.
Colombia’s Alambrada jumps out of the speakers with an up front live sound that depends on little more than good old fashioned raw hardcore. Fans of literally every era would likely go ham at one of their shows. When the bass comes in, it’s absolutely thrilling.

Dissocial also calls Antioquia home. Impossibly burly and intense, sounds a bit like Poison Idea playing d beat. Halfway through and not a single dud in the bunch.
The opening of the track by Bogotá’s Amenazas sounds like it’s straight outta 1977 before devolving into a totally manic egg punk ripper. Fans of Lumpy and their fucked up family tree take note!
X2000 is clearly not the sound you expect to hear coming from Gothenburg, Sweden. Front to back a distorted and glorious mess of feedback, garage rock, proto punk, and hardcore; X2000 aren’t nearly as fast as the train they’re named after. Yet, they’re all the better for it. I’d venture a guess that they’re in possession of some well worn Killed By Death comps.
Krujido rep Medellin, California and sound like they wrote this jam in ten minutes which, in my book, is rad. They sound spontaneous and pissed with wildly varied vocals that pile on call and response style vocals… Primitive practice space punk.
Ataque Zerø, like Muro, are a Bogotá based group that caught my ear a while back. They play a unique blend of melodic hardcore with clean and off kilter leads. They’re an essential listen with a killer grip of worthwhile releases. Get on it!
Barcelona’s Lumpen love distortion. So much, in fact, that they manage mangled melodies from their tortured guitars alone. Beneath the sonic maelstrom is a keen sensibility for songwriting, though. This is razor sharp hardcore with crazed vocals.
I have no clue where Unidad Ideológica are from, but I’ll follow them wherever they want. This is furious fast hardcore punk akin to Crudos. It sounds frenzied and antagonistic without going completely off the rails, though it sure as shit threatens to.
Purgä is from Brooklyn and also had the wherewithal to keep the lyrics game blunt. Also dropping a sonic bomb with the universal “1312," there’s no confusing where they’re coming from. I’m in awe of their low end, which feels like the ground giving way beneath your feet. The slow stomp open is a false flag, however, as it’s ultimately a lightspeed crusher of D-beat hardcore.
Final are yet another crucial Colombian act that’s attached to the Rat Trap Collective. Replete with all the requisite snot, swagger, and rock and roll solos of early punk, Final keep themselves firmly planted in the world of hardcore with a guttural and piercing vocal pitch.
Trampa may take Best In Show for me. The Bogotá band keeps it incredibly simple, employing speedy boom bap hardcore to the highest degree. It sounds like the soundtrack to a runaway truck that just missed the emergency pull off… dangerous and irresponsible.
Madrid’s Chikungunya may or may not have ten bass amps and little else. The tinny drums and barbed vocals barely register but, when you have a power violence/fastcore band this pissed, who’s keeping score?
Die In Silence from Magdalena, Colombia sound like they’d be content with anything BUT their resigned sounding moniker. After the cavernous lo-fi of the preceding track, this band sounds monstrously huge by comparison. This is a solid hardcore bookend to what’s essentially an ersatz best of of killer current hardcore.
Support the La Masacre Continua compilation on Bandcamp.