Who are you, and where are you from?
Mitchell Paul Reitman, but everyone just calls me “Mitch." I’m originally from the north side of Milwaukee.
Any direct relation to film producer/director Ivan Reitman (Meatballs, Ghostbusters)?
I know for a fact that there is a relation, but it’s extremely distant. I would love to meet him eventually.
Who are you currently playing with?
My main focus is Low End right now, but I’m also in Cross Me and Slowpanic.
What originally sparked your interest in drumming?
I used to really want to play baseball because my brother did for a bit, but my dad ended up taking me to a drum clinic at one point. He saw that I loved it and then bought me a drum set on my 5th birthday to be able to jam with him. The rest is history.
Did you ever take lessons?
I took a few here and there. I was so young, I can barely remember how many. I did take one a few years ago with Branden Morgen from Misery Signals and everything he showed me still resonates with me. He's one of the greatest drummers I’ve ever met.
Who were some of your earliest influences?
The earliest would have to be Travis Barker (blink-182) and The Rev (Avenged Sevenfold).
Who are some of your favorite drummers to watch live?
That I’ve actually gotten to witness in-person?
Daniel Fang (Turnstile), Matt Izzi (Homewrecker), Ross Bart (Stepping Stone), Adam Gray (Texas In July), Travis Orbin (Darkest Hour), Branden Morgen (Misery Signals), Anup Sastry and so many more. I can’t get enough of a great drummer live.

Tell me about your current drum kit and set up.
I’ve been touring on a 3-piece Chameleon Sparkle Tama Silverstar for a few years now. It’s a cheaper birch shell pack that I got used for like $400 and I absolutely love it. Cuts super well in all settings and looks expensive.
My cymbals from left to right are:
- 14” Sabian AAX-Celerator Hats
- 19” Zildjian K Hybrid Crash
- 21” Zildjian K Hybrid Ride
- 18” Zildjian K Medium Dark Crash
- 18” Zildjian Oriental Trash China
Pedal: Tama Iron Cobra double pedal w/ DW beaters
Heads: Remo P77 clear snare batter/Hazy 300 Snare Side, Evans G1 & G2 on the toms, EMAD 2 on the kick. I’m always experimenting with different brands, but those are what I’m liking right now (sorry that was a lot).
Out of everything you have recorded over the years, which one are you most proud of and why?
Honestly, Low End recorded a few new songs that we should be releasing later this year. I’m always trying to play more fluidly and consistently. These recordings will show that. Super proud of it all-around!
I know you can play guitar. What involvement (if any) have you played in the songwriting process for your bands?
I write tons of riffs for myself, but I don’t always bring them to the table for some reason. It’s hard for me to transcribe them to the rest of the guys without drums behind it. I always hear things a little differently sometimes. I may just save a lot of what I have for a band that I can play guitar and/or sing in.
Are you very particular about the drumstick brand and type you use, or do you use whatever?
I strictly use Vic Firth 3A Wood Tips but warm up with marching sticks [laughs].
If you didn’t have to worry about money, what kind of drum set and cymbals would you use?
My dream setup is all super shiny Zildjian Cymbals and a purple glass glitter DW Drum Set w/ gold DW 9000 hardware. (I’m only half-kidding on the colors).
Recommend to the readers some albums that you think have incredible drumming on them.
Most recently, I’ve actually been listening a record called Pure Juice by Summercamp. The drummer absolutely blows my mind. He plays stuff that truly challenges me if I try to jam along.
Right off the top of my head:
- Gojira, The Way of all Flesh
- Ekulu, Ekulu
- Power Trip, Nightmare Logic
- Machine Head, Burn My Eyes
Top five things that can "make your day"?
(In no order)
- Any time that I announce a new tour or anything band-related.
- Completing the writing process for a song during practice.
- Seeing my mom and/or dad, even if it’s brief.
- When people show me love for my drumming and take a genuine interest in the knowledge that I am very willing to pass along.
- An Oreo shake w/ extra Oreos.

What do you have coming up in the near future?
I shouldn’t say much until I for sure have the green light, but I am most-likely filling in for one of my favorite hardcore bands and I truly cannot express how excited I am. It will be my biggest tour yet.
Otherwise, Low End has some shows in the works for late-September and the release of those new songs eventually.
Follow Low End on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Tagged: cutting steak, low end