If you're jonesin' for some Lockin' Out-like no-bullshit hardcore, Jordan Gipson is right there with you. Under the moniker Never Had It, the 28-year-old musician takes that stylistic blueprint and pens material that any Rightjeous Jams will be down with.
“Never Had It is a project that I have been sitting on for years now," Jordan tells No Echo via email. "I love hardcore music, grew up in a small town with Tallahassee being my closest hardcore scene. I started coming to shows at around 12/13 years old and I wanted to learn more.
"Being isolated and deprived from hardcore shows nearby, it was a little bit harder and slower for me to learn about it than others, but I still loved it and couldn’t let it go. I finally moved to Tallahassee in 2018 and have been continuously trying to contribute and do my part for the scene, and the only way I know how at this moment is to keep pumping out local bands, so that there is a band in town to open for touring bands. This is the main purpose for Never had it."
Later this month will see the release of the debut Never Had It EP, and we have its title track, My Way Out, streaming early for you below:
Jordan has this to say about "My Way Out" and its lyrics:
"Sometimes life can get the best of you, and dark thoughts cloud over you, I’ve been in some really low states of mind before but always managed to find a way out. Hardcore music and skateboarding have always been that (positive) escape for me."
The My Way Out EP will be out on April 29th through KOTP Records.
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Tagged: never had it