The last time No Echo covered Last Gasp was in my 12 Newer Hardcore Bands to Check Out in 2021 list back at the start of the year. In that piece, I said that the Cleveland outfit "brings to mind the speed-driven hardcore of Right Brigade and Carry On," but if you aren't familiar with those groups, all you really have to know is Last Gasp love their hardcore fast.
Now, following a series of demos and a split with Who Decides last year, Last Gasp is getting ready to release their debut album, The Storied Weight of It All.
To whet the appetite, No Echo is premiering the music video for "Only Jokes," a track from the forthcoming LP. Featuring art and animation by Joey Goergen, the excellent clip is ready for your eyes and ears below:
The Storied Weight of It All will be coming out on vinyl in the US through Dropping Bombs, a Michigan-based label that has also issued releases by such bands as Colonial Wound, Worst Self, and LIFT. No Echo posted a feature on Dropping Bombs last year in our ongoing Record Label Profile interview series.
Dropping Bombs founder Eric Scobie had the following to say about working with Last Gasp:
"I first encountered Last Gasp in February of 2020 upon my friend Jacob’s recommendation who posted their demo. When I hit play what I heard was a real breath of fresh air, and as I already knew their singer Ryan a little bit, I decided to hit him up to see what their plans for releasing the demo were. Before I knew it, we were collaborating on a vinyl release and our partnership was off to the races.
"Running a small label, you never know what you’re going to get when you start working with a band…sometimes they break up right away, sometimes their motivation fades and activity slows down, it’s always a crapshoot. In the case of Last Gasp, I feel like I struck gold; they are always bringing great ideas to the table, are constantly writing & recording; even in the midst of the pandemic they have been an engine of activity.
"What’s more, every step they have taken has seen them get better and better; every recording has sounded more clear and powerful, each set of songs more cohesive and well-written, their momentum has continued to build.
"This growth has really come to a head on their new LP, The Storied Weight of it All, a record that combines power, speed, catchiness, extremely tight musicianship, and a crisp recording that captures the band at their absolute pinnacle. I’m ecstatic to have a hand in releasing these songs, and can’t wait to see what this band does now that the world is opening back up and they can start kicking it into high gear."
Last Gasp unleashed a ripping track called "Vastly Deep" from the record, which you can also check out below:
Featuring cover art by Jon Mayo, The Storied Weight of It All will be out this fall:

The US vinyl pressing via Last Gasp and Dropping Bombs will be available as 150 copies on transparent red/black screen-printed B-side, and 150 on transparent red/silver screen-printed B-side.
The European vinyl pressing via Crew Cuts will be available as 250 on red with white splatter.
The cassette release via Version City Blues will be available as 25 silver shells and 75 white shells.
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Tagged: last gasp