I'll keet this intro brief!
Highway Sniper's The Great Satan is one of my favorite releases so far this year, so I chatted with drummer/songwriter George Lucarelli about his life in hardcore and the new record.
Hey George, in addition to Highway Sniper, what other bands do you play in right now?
I play in the bands NORMY, The Same Mistake, Erase Them, and have been in a handful of other bands
When did you first get into music? What got you into punk/hardcore?
I think it stems from my father‘s musical interest. He was very active in the punk and hardcore scene when he was growing up and I kind of just gravitated towards the music he would listen to and then eventually started finding more bands that I liked on my own because I liked the drumming and it just kind of spiraled into becoming something I really grew to enjoy and appreciate.
What are the influences on Highway Sniper's The Great Satan album?
American hegemony in the Middle East in the 20th Century and its effects on the world today.
I have always been fan of samples ever since the Family Guy/Suicide Silence partnership. What made you decide to use samples on this record?
The samples that a lot of people think are funny are the guys that were doing a review of our last EP and it was just kind of poking at them. We used a few from political figures as well.
In addition to playing music, what other ways do you like to participate in the hardcore community?
I like to offer making flyers or doing album art or T-shirt designs if I can, same with recording bands. I’d like to think that I go to as many shows as I possibly can to support bands that I like.
I’m not really sure if there’s much more I can do but it’s definitely something I actively try to be a part of.

What are some of your favorite local acts?
Really the only local acts I listen to are Captive, Wallcreeper, and Walking Wounded.
What are some of your favorite recent records?
No Pressure, No Pressure, self titled and Carbonite, Like a Sickness.
What are your favorite places to play? Least favorite?
My favorite state to play is Ohio, and my least favorite, so far, was Chicago when I went.
What are your favorite venues? Least favorite?
My favorite venues are No Class and Jacobs Pavilion. My least favorite is probably the House of Blues because the security was mean to me.
What is your go-to tour meal?
Gas station pizza and energy drinks.
Describe your dream tour package.
My dream tour package would be afi and My Chemical Rpmance co-headling and all of my bands opening.

Favorite sauce?
Awesome sauce.
Favorite record labels?
Smartpunk! And probably Fat Wreck Chords.
What are some activities you enjoy outside of playing music?
I like going to the gym and I like (trying to) skateboard
What is your favorite sports team?
The 1899 Cleveland Spiders.
What’s in store for the future of Highway Sniper?
I think we are going to try to play a lot more shows and I think we are also going to work on our first full length now that we have three other releases under our belt.
Where do you see you guys taking the band in terms of your musical style?
I think our sound definitely matured and the first two releases were very fun to create but there wasn’t a whole lot of thought put into the songwriting and the overall mood of the release front to back and I think The Great Satan was kind of meant to be played front to back and create this kind of like atmosphere while you listen to it.
I kind of like that it sounds angry and sad but it’s also not too long. I don't know, I just wanted to open up our previous material.
The Great Satan is out now via Smartpunk Records (order here).
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Tagged: highway sniper