Band: Turn of Phrase
From: London, UK
Their formation story:
(Logan, vocals): “Back in about October or November (not exactly sure), Cheung (guitarist) texted me at work one morning saying he had an Awake in Their World (Agent)/Last Thing You Forget (Title Fight) hole in his life. Within a few minutes, he sent me a SoundCloud link with a demo he had whipped up.
"I messaged back saying, 'Okay, now try to write one that feels like this, etc., etc.' Within about an hour, he had another demo link. We kept going back and forth throughout the day, and by the end of it, we had a couple more demos and were already talking about who we thought would be up to play the songs.
"I wrote lyrics for one track, we sent it to Joe (drummer) down in Brighton and Andy (guitar as well), and they were both keen. We all already knew each other from playing in different bands (Cheung and I play in Dynamite, Andy in State Sanctioned Violence, and Joe in The Serfers) and from just seeing each other around at shows.
"A big part of why we started this band was because a lot of the big pop-punk and shoegaze stuff felt kind of overproduced and lost that raw, immediate energy. We wanted to take that fun, big sing-along feeling and bring it into the DIY hardcore world—where it’s still fast, still urgent, but also something people can yell back at us at shows.”
Their sound in their own words:
“As mentioned, our sound is heavily influenced by bands Agent and early Title Fight, but also many other bands from that crucial era, from Basement to Have Heart, Bane to The First Step—that 2000s melodic hardcore vibe. But we’re also not trying to just recreate that; we take those influences and meld them with our own style and other types of music we’re into. Stuff that hits hard but sticks in your head.”
Latest release info:
“We just dropped our demo Finish Just to Begin and played our first show with Koyo, Higher Power, and Straight to Hell via Concrete Culture. It was an immaculate family affair.”
Future plans:
“We just want to have fun, play shows with our friends, and write songs that resonate with people. There are a couple riff salads and a demo or two knocking around in the group chat at the moment.”
What other bands from your region should we check out?
“Life of One, Stingray, Imposter, No Relief, Tempers Fray, Infinite Wisdom, Hitmen, Silica, Mutagenic Host, Regress, Catastrophe, Bodybag, Heat. London and Brighton are thriving, and it feels like there’s always something new and exciting popping up.”
The Finish Just to Begin demo is available on cassette via Burning Water.
Turn of Phrase on social media: Instagram
Tagged: turn of phrase