New HC Bands

New Hardcore Band Spotlight: LICE

Band: LICE
From: Brampton, Ontario

Their formation story:
(Shaye, Vocals) "I reached out to a bassist asking if she wanted to start a band after a homie in the Toronto hardcore scene suggested, she had recently started a band with Michelle from Influx and Spirit Desire who’s on guitar, and I joined. We eventually got Rob from Dear-God (drums) and Jake from Mile End (guitar) to join us.

"The OG bassist is no longer in the band and we’ve gone through a couple but we now have Gonz from Terry Green on bass and they rock! We got in the studio fairly quick, wrote a recorded our demo in a day and the rest is history."

Their sound in their own words:
"Our music is silly and weird. It’s super crunchy and almost sounds like you’re in a pit of bugs crawling around. A big influence for us is Gazm from Montreal (RIP), they also have a weird unique sound and they’ve been amazing to us!"

Latest release info:
"Our newest release is called 3 Strikes. It’s about people in the scene who don’t know the scene and think everyone owes them some kind of respect. The kind of person who causes problems then get pissed when people call them out on their BS."

Future plans:
"We have an album coming out in July but other than that we’re just having fun. We hope to be able to go on tour within the next year but there’s nothing set in stone."

What other bands from their region should we check out?
"Bad Bet from Hamilton, Wedge from Kitchener, Klokwise from Toronto, all the Flower City Hardcore homies, and of course, all the other bands we are in (Mile End, Dear-God, Influx, Terry Green, and Spirit Desire).

LICE on social media: Instagram

Tagged: lice