Band: Failure Drill
From: Kansas City, Missouri
Their formation story:
(Ian Kopp, vocals): "The band currently is me, Daniel Evans (bass), Alex Tunks (guitar), Harrison Hawkins (guitar), and Ethan Payton (drums). This project has been a long time in the making. We originally started in late 2019 with a different line up but mostly the same members.
"After recording and playing a few shows, the pandemic hit in 2020 and pretty much killed what was called Dope Piece at the time. After a few years, I had finally bugged the guys enough and convinced them to start it up again with a new line up and name. We re-wrote the six songs we had to have a bit of a heavier sound, recorded and released them, and we’ve been rocking ever since."
Their sound in their own words:
(Daniel Evans, bass): "This is the most nerve-racking question for me because there is nothing worse than when you’re talking to someone and they are crazy off base with their descriptions.
"At the formation of this band I was going through a big Coke Bust phase and I really wanted to sound like if Coke Bust and Rival Mob had a weird illegitimate child. Then we starting playing in D standard and got a little metallic. FFO: music that is really fast and also sometimes slow, some might say just right."
Latest release info:
(Ian): "To me, it’s just straightforward, fast-paced hardcore. Short, hard hitting, to the point. It’s got power violence influences alongside a lot of Rival Mob -esque riffs. It’s got groove parts, two steps, blast beats and breakdowns. All of my favorite things."
Future plans:
"In the next coming months we’re planning on releasing a Visions of War tape on Rage Deposit, a new label Antonio (SPINE) is starting up. After that’s out, I believe we’re planning to write our next release, with an even heavier/ faster sound.
"We’ve got some shows lined up out of town, playing Dallas and OKC (12/6 and 12/7) with a band Harry and Dan are in, Lower Heaven, then have a few hometown gigs as well Juicebox(Houston) and Dose (Des Moines) 12/29."
What other bands from their region should people check out?
"In my opinion, anyone that’s looking to get into the KC hardcore/heavy music scene has got to start with SPINE. Kansas City has historically had a unique style among bands in the Midwest. We make fast music here, the line between punk and hardcore has always been blurred in a way that doesn’t happen in other cities.
"SPINE has been making fast, straightforward hardcore for a decade and a half and does not miss. They’ve been very formative for me in my journey in hardcore and the story is the same for almost everyone in our scene. I’d be willing to bet that you could go to almost any random show in the Midwest and you’ll see at least one Spine shirt and there is absolutely a reason for that. If you haven’t listen to SPINE, do it.
"That being said, the KC scene is pretty diverse right now; we’ve got some great heavy bands like LEGALIZE HOMICIDE, Lower Heaven, Mortal Coil, Final Atomic Battle, BILLY, Conflicts, Honey. As well as some more OG hardcore like Stakes Is High, Pact of Violence, Burning Bush. If you want to dig in the crates for some historic KC hardcore I recommend No Class, Devils Den, Sorry Excuse, Blindside USA."
Failure Drill on social media: Instagram

Tagged: failure drill