By No Echo | 10.28.2024
"I Lost My HeavyHeavyLowLow Pin at the Hong Kong Fuck You Show at Whyld Ass Cafe" is a wild song title.
New HC Bands
By Carlos Ramirez | 10.25.2024
FFO: On Broken Wings, Eighteen Visions, pingy snare drum tones
By Isaac Hernández | 10.25.2024
For their So Much Seething LP, the group signed with Indecision Records (School Drugs, Unbroken).
By Zach Butcher | 10.24.2024
"It's funny, I'm honestly not familiar with Type O Negative..."
By Carlos Ramirez | 10.24.2024
FFO: Azshara, Balmora, Ephyra Records
By Carlos Ramirez | 10.23.2024
Wired For Chaos features interviews w/ Flea, Henry Rollins, Beastie Boys, and other music figures.
FFO: grimy demos, creepy crawl parts, basement shows
By Carlos Ramirez | 10.22.2024
Flatspot Records will be releasing the band's Dust and Ashes this January.
"I would describe our sound as Agnostic Front opening for Obituary on the '92 tour."
FFO: speedy hardcore, high-pitched vocals, raw demo cassettes
By Carlos Ramirez | 10.21.2024
"Every word and every note comes from our shared lifetime of existing without the crutch of substance use."
FFO: Floorpunch, Right Brigade, Killing Time
Sunny Blunts features Dave Allen (Voorhees, The Horror) on the drums.
By Carlos Ramirez | 10.18.2024
Vocalist Damien Moyal discusses the record and their upcoming tour w/ Hot Water Music & Quicksand.
FFO: Comeback Kid, The Hope Conspiracy, '00s-era hardcore
By Mike Musilli | 10.18.2024
Places We Live, Places We Die is available now via Sunken Temple Records and Council Records.
By Carlos Ramirez | 10.17.2024
"More than bandmates, these guys are my brothers..."
FFO: Trash Talk, SPY, Primitive Blast
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