By Carlos Ramirez | 5.9.2022
"...411 was a much more important and challenging band than No For An Answer ever was."
By Carlos Ramirez | 7.22.2019
The Southern Californian hardcore punk band return with a heartfelt (and pounding) new song.
By Carlos Ramirez | 8.6.2018
Get your first taste of the Southern California band's highly-anticipated full-length.
By Carlos Ramirez | 9.20.2017
Vocalist Dan O'Mahony spills his guts out.
By Carlos Ramirez | 8.29.2017
"My skull was becoming a boil that very much needed to be lanced," vocalist Dan O'Mahony.
By Carlos Ramirez | 6.22.2017
"I’d be useless without my anger, but I think I’m a better adjusted man now."
Record Collectors