By Carlos Ramirez | 6.24.2021
FFO: Lifetime, (early) Saves the Day, Fastbreak
By Carlos Ramirez | 4.16.2021
"Imagine Bulldoze and Carcass with a touch of Evil Pimp thrown into a blender..."
By Carlos Ramirez | 12.23.2019
If you haven't listened to this record yet, you're missing out in a big way.
By Michael Thorn | 10.14.2019
"I’m trying to bring back the '80s US hardcore sound."
By Michael D. Thorn | 7.10.2019
Both Transilvanian Hunger-era Darkthrone and Dmize are referenced in this piece. Whoa.
By Carlos Ramirez | 4.2.2019
This is some sick shit.