In the description for their eponymous debut 7", Vantage Point is musically compared to the bands Chain of Strength and Carry On, and I can't really argue with those comparisons.
Based in Boston — a city with a historic hardcore pedigree — Vantage Point go directly for the jugular with "Where It Ends," a track propulsed forward by a driving guitar riff during its first half. The last half of the song is moshy, but not in the beatdown sense. This is more of an old-school, slow part that wouldn't have sounded out of place on a Turning Point record. I say this all the time, but you don't have to reinvent the wheel to write impactful hardcore, and Vantage Point are doing just that.

Pick up a copy of the Vantage Point 7" directly from Straight & Alert at this link.
Tagged: vantage point hardcore