A hardcore band lasting more than a few years isn't the norm, so it's all th more impressive that Night Witch have been making music together for a decade now. Throughout that time, the Tallahassee-Florida-based outfit shared stages with Soul Glo, HIRS, Screaming Females, Gouge Away, G.L.O.S.S., Amygdala, and countless other friends in the hardcore punk DIY scene. Recently, Night Witch vocalist Rosie was featured on the latest HIRS album doing guest vocals along with Frank Iero of My Chemical Romance titled, “Trust the Process."
As great as a run as they've had together, Night Witch are closing up shop at the end of this year. But they aren't going away without leaving behind their final testament.
On August 31st, Night Witch will be releasing Host Body, their last record together. "Our songs are a manifestation of how the frustrations, injustices, and oppression in and around our community can weigh on your head and your heart until you can’t take it anymore and need to scream until you pass out," the band said in a message to me about their mission statement throughout their time together."
The band continued: "We are not afraid to hold our community accountable, put our words into actions, and give space to those who have experienced harm at the hands of a “really cool band”.
"We are not and have never been perceived as 'cool' because we’re all 1000% ready to talk your ear off about one of our many hyperfixations. We think DIY scenes all over the world are great sources of joy and community and all of us need to continuously work together to build something sustainable and transformative for everyone. Night Witch is played at a decibel that straight people cannot hear."
Today, No Echo is helping to premiere "Everyday," the closing track from the forthcoming Host Body album:
Night Witch vocalist Rosie wanted to share the following thoughts on the track:
"THIS SONG IS HOW ABOUT MEN WONT SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT SHIT THAT THEY SHOULD HAVE NO OPINION ABOUT! When I was trying to think of lyrics for this song the only thing that kept repeating in my head was the rhythm that the Sanderson sisters from the movie Hocus Pocus do the little chant at the end of their performance of of the song 'I Put a Spell on You,' so the end of 'Everyday' follows the same rhythm of their little hex."
Fuck yeah.

Host Body will be out on August 31st (pre-order).
Night Witch on social media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Tagged: night witch