With a shared love for melodic hardcore in the sonic spirit of DC and Bay Area bands of the late '80s and early '90s, Jade Dust began in 2019 when vocalist/guitarist Rudi Jung and guitarist Chris Duprey began writing together. But the true genesis story for the Portland, Oregon-based outfit began a few years before that when vocalist Rudi Jung was involved in a horrific motorcyle accident that left him hospitalized for a time and his arm paralyzed.
To channel his frustration, Rudi began writing lyrics and music after teaching himself how to play guitar with one hand. 2020 found Jade Dust beginning to take shape when he and Chris were joined by drummer James Butch and bassist Raul Atencio to flesh out a proper lineup.
A demo followed, and then Jade Dust released a self-titled 6-track EP in the fall of 2021.
The next chapter in the Jade Dust story begins now with the release of "Wild Geese," the title track to the forthcoming 12-inch EP. "The song is about the growing humanitarian crisis on borders keeping loved ones apart all over the world," says Rudi.
Featuring cover art by Eric Himle, the Wild Geese EP will be out this summer via Ebullition Records and Extinction Burst.
Upcoming Jade Dust tour dates:
May 23rd - Chico @ Naked Lounge w/ Abyssal Whip, Level
May 24th - Oakland @ Lucky Duck w/ Tuning, States of Nature, Little Low
May 25th - Inland Empire w/ Vacancy
May 26th - San Diego @ Che Cafe w/ Bent Blue, Headcount, Icepield
May 27th - Fullerton @ Programme Skate and Sound w/ Bent Blue, Raise The Colors, Surprise Vacation
May 28th - UCSB Glass Box Art Gallery (matinee show) w/ Rival Cults
May 28th - Ventura @ Mucho Gusto w/ Vacancy, Outwest, Firestarter
May 29th - Sacramento @ Uptown Takeout
May 30th - Corvallis @ Mudville Stadium w/ Silence Mill and Happy Front
Jade Dust on social media: Twitter | Instagram | Bandcamp
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Tagged: jade dust