"It's a song about the constant battle against depression, this song in particular covers losing that battle and having those feelings take hold and consume everything around," says Funeral Leech drummer/vocalist Lucas Anderson about "The Void," the latest song from the NYC-based death metal dealers. No Echo has partnered with the band to bring you the premiere of the tortorous track.
The song follows Funeral Leech's 2017 EP, The Funerality, and offers more of the doom-ridden death metal that fans of such greats as Incantation, Goreaphobia, and Gravehill will lose their mind to.
"The 'void' described in this song is specifically a place my mind goes to when these feelings take control. Mental health and depression are really crucial subjects for me and is they are an overall theme for most Funeral Leech songs. 'The Void' is a new song that will bridge the gap between The Funereality and our next proper release."
Funeral Leech will be playing Saint Vitus in Brooklyn, NY on Jan. 12 with Dying Fetus and Replicant. Tickets are available here.
Tagged: funeral leech