New HC Bands

New Hardcore Band Spotlight: State Power

Photo: Thomas Hietbrink

Band: State Power
From: The Netherlands

Their formation story:
(Daan, guitars): "I knew Stefan since I am a fan of his work in Bony Macaroni. I wanted to start a heavier band then I was in at the time, and he wanted to yell some more. In this case it was really as simple as that. We got together and the first thing we wrote was 'Gates of Hell.'

"For me, it was very clear: we need Mert behind the kit, cause he is the best drummer I know by far. Especially in this type of music. Stefan brought in Rinus and I asked Pim to join, with whom I’ve been playing in Two and a Half Girl for years, and voila: you have State Power." 
Their sound in their own words:
(Mert, drums): "That’s a hard one to say. We’re all from such different backgrounds. Personally speaking, I’m much more from the old school of hardcore (think Slapshot, Cro-Mags, etc.). Guys like Daan and Pim are much more into modern types of heavy music. It’s a mix of all I’d say!

"One thing that united us Pim and me is the love for the whole Baltimore scene: Angel Du$t, Trapped Under Ice, and of course, Turnstile."

(Daan): "Since I took care of the music on this first release, I really wanted a hardcore punk sound. I took inspiration from bands such as Comeback Kid, Stick to Your Guns, and DRAIN." 

Latest release info:
(Mert): "First of many, baby! Musically, it’s all over the place: from two-step to a catchy chorus, D-beat and some half-time shit. I think this is one of Stefan’s best vocal performances yet!"

Future plans:
(Daan): "Play shows. Hardcore is supposed to be experienced live. We have a small run planned and I can’t wait to jump on stage and see some spinkicks."

What other bands from their region should we check out?
(Mert): "Check out No Way, young straight edge skate punks. They’re doing all the big festivals, crazy."

State Power on social media: Instagram

Tagged: state power