Band: Sinister Feeling
From: Baltimore, Maryland
Their formation story:
(Vocalist Sean)" I had just moved to Baltimore from Delaware and started to go to more shows in Baltimore. I already knew Ethan (guitar) from a handful of Baltimore shows I’d went to before I moved and knew he played guitar so I asked him if he’d be interested in playing.
"I didn’t know Nick (drums) super well but saw him a bunch at shows and asked him if he can play blast beats and if he’d be interested in doing the band. Ethan had already known Flynn (bass) from their bands playing together so he asked him if he wanted to play and it was all history from there."
Their sound in their own words:
"I always describe my idea for the band as Left For Dead with more power violence influence. I don’t think I could name all of the bands specifically because I’d definitely forget some but to rattle a few off the top of my head: Los Crudos, Dropdead, Left For Dead, Mind Eraser, Coke Bust, Ceremony, Pulling Teeth, really anything from the Slap A Ham catalog, Punch, Weekend Nachos, Tragedy, etc."
Latest release info:
"These are three new songs that we wrote recently leading up to an LP that we’re hoping to put out before the end of 2023 or possibly early 2024. We’ve been doing the Left For Dead "Standing By" cover at quite a few of our shows, so we figured we should just record it."
Future plans:
"Continue to write and continue to play shows. We’re really looking forward to playing the pre show for the Disturbing the Peace festival in Baltimore 1/27, and then from 2/1-2/10 we’re doing a tour down the Southeast with our homies in Blame God (who also just put out a sick record that you should check out)."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
"Erode, Gasket, and B.R.A.T. Be on the lookout for the Polarview and Skallar demos too."
Sinister Feeling on social media: Instagram | Bandcamp
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Tagged: sinister feeling