Band: No Way
From: Den Bosch, Netherlands
Their formation story:
(Pan, vocals): "Jorda asked me if I wanted to play in a band three years ago. Then we found a drummer and I played bass and sung because we didn’t have a bassist. Then we found George and he bought a bass but didn’t play but we didn’t care and after George was playing a week bass we played a show. Then we found a new drummer (Geezer) and now we’ve been playing for a half year with these fuckers.
"We’re now all 15-years-old except for our bassist George Bacon, who is an old 16-year-old single ginger [laughs]. Now we’re playing shows at festivals and venues or in some garage or something. We also played a show on pallets at our local skate park. That was fun. For us, it doesn’t matter how big the stage or how much we get payed. We just wanna make music and have fun."
Their sound in their own words:
"Out style/sound is mostfully influenced by '90s and '80s straight edge hardcore bands like Youth of Today, Minor Threat, Adolescents, Gorilla Biscuits, and Side by Side. We first started and it sounded more like Reagan Youth and shit like that, but we wanted to go faster and louder so we decided to write songs more like BOLD, Warzone. and Turning Point."
Latest release info:
"Our newest release is a single with two songs: 'Make a Difference' and 'No Justice.' It’s two of the songs that are on our upcoming EP. 'Make a Difference' is about people who lie and stab people in the back and talk behind their backs. 'No Justice' is about a kid that got killed and a innocent man got blamed for it and the killer is a free man on the street. It’s sort of inspired by The Shawshank Redemption.
"The songs are fast and hard. And we’re looking forward to our EP release. We think it’s sick and way better and faster and harder than our demo. We can’t wait for you to hear it."
Future plans:
"Our future plans are making more music and playing fun shows and the most important part: having a lot of fun. I think that’s the most important thing in a band. I can play as shitty as I want but don’t give a shit if me and my friends had a good time and the crowd enjoyed the show.
"Also, we plan on doing a split with the Dutch hardcore band Seeing Red and our EP is coming out soon. Our later plan is to just keep being straight edge and make more music, meeting new people and bands. And the future plans for Geezer and Jorda are maybe cutting their hair and getting a crew cut. I hope so [laughs]."
What other bands from your region should we check out?
"Check out the band URGE from Eindhoven. They’re really cool weird guys. And the singer has funny hair. The music is not as good as ours but there cool guys. (Just kidding we suck too). I met the singer at the Revolution Calling fest and he was a really nice guy and he looked like he knew every Turnstile lyric. Great guy. Great band."
No Way on social media: Instagram

Tagged: no way