New HC Bands

New Hardcore Band Spotlight: Negative Charge

Photo: Darren Nanos (thumbnail photo on homepage by Michelle Mennona)

Band: Negative Charge
From: New York & Pennsylvania

Their formation story:
(Anna, vocals): "Darren is typically a drummer, and me a bass player in most of the bands we play in. We both grew up on Long Island, collaborated on a bunch of projects, and played in Outskirts together. When things got slow during quarantine time, Darren began doing a ton of writing and recording.

"He posted a bunch of power violence-type instrumental tracks he had just knocked out and I let him know I was super into it. So we recorded vocals and finished up the demo. We were into it and decided to get some friends in on it with us.

"Mike and Darren were friends from bands and joined us on drums. Anthony and I are married and never played in bands with each other in our 14 years together until now.  He’s playing bass and Darren’s playing guitar."

Their sound in their own words:
"Loud and fast, and on occasion loud and slow. Power violence influenced for sure."

Latest release info:
"The demo consists of 6 songs, thematically a few are about enacting revenge fantasties on some of the cruel people in our lives. Musically, they are songs to slowly bang your head to, or get mad hyped up to. We wanted to make something sounding grossly heavy, that pushes the sound all the way back into the deep recesses of your ears until they rattle. This is definitely play-loud type stuff."

Future plans:
"Playing shows, writing, doing some weekends, meeting people, and meeting pets."

What other bands from their region should we check out?
"Check out our other bands: War Babies, COLONY, I.C.E. Files, and Outskirts!"


Negative Charge on social media: Instagram


Tagged: negative charge