Band: Mutt IA
From: Des Moines, Iowa
Their formation story:
(Nelehn McGrew, vocals): "I wrote and recorded all of the songs on our first EP, Maximus, and sat on them for the longest time. The music has always existed, but it wasn’t until I shared that music in early 23’, that Mutt was born, friends got together, and the real fun started happening."
Their sound in their own words:
"I’ve always made it a goal to keep Mutt as open as possible. We don’t stick to certain guidelines within a genre. If an idea fits, we keep it. If it doesn’t, we scratch it. Write some music, and see where it takes you."
Latest release info:
"Love Is Loss is the first EP that all of us collectively wrote together. The goal was to set ourselves aside, and make an EP that sounded nothing like anything else in Des Moines."
Future plans:
“'Do better than we did before' has always been our motto. What way to do better than a 2-week West Coast tour next year?"
What other bands from their region should we check out?
"Dose, In Loving Memory, Traffic Death."
Mutt IA on social media: Instagram

Tagged: mutt ia