New HC Bands

New Hardcore Band Spotlight: Masque

Band: Masque
From: Portland, Oregon

Their formation story:
"August 2021 Tekiah [vocalist] made a post on Instagram that they were feeling and itch to sing in a band again and Colin [bassist] replied that he was, right away. We shuffled through some members until Shai [guitars] joined in December ‘21 and felt things coming together.

"It was hard for us to find a drummer for some reason, but a friend sent Luna our way and joined in March ‘22. When she joined we knew we had found our sound and new friend! We all instantly clicked, that first practice was only a few hours but we were in sync and making some fun tunes."

Their sound in their own words:
"There’s a bit of everything in here, like most bands these days. Shai is totally into more weirdo hardcore like Bib and their riffs reflect that malice in the current hardcore world. Colin’s got a more old-school flair to his bass style which leads to a ton of cool walking parts.

"Luna comes from a grind/slam background and is particularly obsessed with '00s groovy hardcore like Mental/RZL DZL, so the drums are chaotic with as much dancing as possible. Tekiah seems to be channeling an '80s vibe in their vocals, they’re very influenced by straightforward hardcore punk." 

Latest release info:
"The demo has been under way for almost a year, we’re not exactly perfectionists but we all take our respective responsibilities wicked seriously. We’re trying to have fun, more than anything, no matter how seriously we take the tunes or the subject matter of the lyrics is, we’re all close friends that are just having a fun time. Cute but tuff, that’s the motto.

"We recorded with Tom from Wormtown, he’s got a unique style where he records everything at once including vocals, so it makes for a noisy and energetic sound, which fits us perfectly."

Future plans:
"We’re about to go on a small tour down in Nevada and California (4/27-5/1) and when we get back there are a few shows that we’re looking forward to. Definitely hoping to tour more, up towards Canada and out to the Midwest. We have our eyes set in a 7-inch too."

What other bands from their region should we check out?
"Right now, I’m seeing a lot of my friends pushing for a new wave of music that isn’t as insular as the scene seems to be! We’re all in a few other bands, Chained Heat, Grip, Parallax, B.L.I.S.S., Salivate, but there’s a ton of great stuff we’re not involved in that deserve love too!

"Eteraz, Equalize, Love in Hell, Puerta Negra, Lazer Bullet, Noxeema, vuelatas, Cruise Control, Era Bleak, Chueko, Cherry Cheeks, Cut Piece—we could seriously keep going, this scene is amazing right now!"


Masque on social media: Instagram | Bandcamp


Tagged: masque