Band: Death Rattle
From: Little Rock, Arkansas
Their formation story:
(Jacob Clark guitar): "Myself and Peyton (drums) have been playing music and trying to start a band for around three years, consistently writing and trying to fill a band but nothing worked out for a while. Earlier this year at LDB, we met Johnathan (bass) and Zach (vocals) and told them we were looking for members and they were both down to join our band.
"Kind of funny it took us going eight hours away from home to find band members that already lived in Little Rock and were in our scene but yeah, that's how that worked out."
Their sound in their own words:
"We have a pretty vast range of influences from member to member, but some of the biggest would have to be Trapped Under Ice, Cold World, Backtrack, and Minus. I would say our sound is a mix of a lot of bands from that era with some elements of modern hardcore bands like Big Boy, or Never Ending Game, instrumentally."
Latest release info:
"We just put out our demo, and it was recorded by Jason Tedford at Wolfman Studios here in Little Rock. We've been playing all three tracks at our shows before recording, so the process went pretty smoothly and we're hoping people are enjoying what we have to offer."
Future plans:
"Right now we're in the process of writing a couple songs for a split we hope to put out by the end of this year or early next year. We're pretty eager to get more music out so after that we're probably gonna start writing for an EP. Hopefully in between all of that we can hit some spots we've never played before."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
"We would 110% recommend Dryer Fire to anyone who loves hardcore. Second Life, Terminal Nation, and Morbid Visionz are a few more bands that heavily represent Little Rock. If you're into more chill stuff, Peach Blush, Stressor, and Colour Design are some amazing bands from Little Rock."
Hit the Death Rattle Linktree to find all of their social media pages.

Tagged: death rattle