Band: Dear Adversary
From: Orange County, California
Their formation story:
(Shear Dalton, vocals): "Dear Adversary formed in 2024 around the last quarter of the year. While I had the itch to start up a project, longtime friend of mine, Billy Sweet (guitar), was down to start up something too. Our friends, Bradley Dupray (bass) and Ramon Moran (guitar) were keen and quickly became a part of the band as well.
"No drummer yet, though we have some trusted fill-ins. We're also a faith-based band, though not all our members are faith-based, nor required to be."
Their sound in their own words:
"I would definitely describe our sound and style as 2000s melodic hardcore, though with a bit more of a heavier edge than most melodic hardcore bands in that era. We want to fuse that nostalgic sound with a fresh modern hardcore vibe.
"We're highly influenced by Verse, Comeback Kid, Life Long Tragedy, Set It Straight, and Terror."
Latest release info:
"We just put out our second single called 'We Don't Belong' on February 6th. The song is highly melodic and heartfelt in nature while still delivering some energy and aggression.
"I'd say the last section of the song is the peak of the whole song—lyrically and musically. The vocals are an anthem, delivering a message that this world is not our home. We were built for something more. We don't belong in this world."
Future plans:
"We are currently writing and recording as much music as we can. We have plans to release another song by the end of February or early March called 'Sons of Vipers.' We also are planning to get a 7" EP out, hopefully by summertime.
"Once we have enough material, we'd love to get as many shows in as we can, working our way towards getting a few tours booked down the road."
What other bands from your region should we check out?
"Check out some of our SoCal friends in Destruction of a King (heavy metalcore) and Load Tha 9 (beatdown)."
Dear Adversary on social media: Instagram

Tagged: dear adversary