Band: Crawling Back
From: Houston, Texas
Their formation story:
(Thomas Keener, vocals): "Crawling Back started about 5 or 6 years ago as a different band with me and our guitar player, Carter, while we were in high school. The band changed its name and ended up fizzling out into like 3 different solo projects over the years.
"I brought the name back early 2023, wrote a demo and recorded it with my buddy Josh from If It Rains on drums, produced by our friend Jake from Bejalvin in a practice room at the college we went to. I ended up moving back to Texas and recruiting some friends to play live shows with me."
Their sound in their own words:
"I would describe Crawling Back’s sound as loud ass hardcore punk with death metal riffs. Impalers, Mammoth Grinder, early Hatebreed, and any punk demo with simple art that sounds like shit are what I usually draw from."
Latest release info:
"Our newest release is a split we put out with some of our best friends, in the now defunct band [Ctrl]. We had tossed around the idea of a split for around 6 months before we ended up recording it.
"We really wanted to have the vibe of the Cell Rot/World Peace split from a few years ago. [Ctrl] ended up disbanding but I booked a super packed split release/final show in a tiny room just last week. Super fun."
Future plans:
"The plan right now is to tighten up our set, record new songs, and start playing out of town shows. Me and my guy Wince from Wigsplit are wanting to book a little Texas run within the next couple months. Also hoping to record and put out a 4-song EP before the end of the year."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
"Definitely check out Isolate, Finesse, Wigsplit, Scathe, Bloodmoney, Scaphizm, Dead End, and The Stuff for sure. Those dudes all rock."
Crawling Back on social media: Instagram

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