Band: Carcinogen
From: Charleston, South Carolina
Their formation story:
(Brandon Johnson, vocals/drums): "Sean and I would mess around in the back room at work and go on and on about how funny the Despise You vocals sound by imitating them. Basically a joke gone way too far. We started jamming and demoing tracks then Pat hopped in, recorded it and laid down bass lines since he was already there. Our great friend Andy, who plays in To Forget will be manning the drum kit for upcoming live shows."
Their sound in their own words:
"Most would call it power violence but at the end of the day, it's fast, straight to the point hardcore. We're influenced by the California juggernauts such as Crossed Out and Despise You with a little bit of Boston sprinkled in like Waste Management."
Latest release info:
"The Carcinogen demo is five minutes of outcast hardcore touching on topics such as the inability to relate to the general population, excessive consumerism, inescapable dread, and trying to survive in a world consumed by those who are completely fine with dying at their miserable jobs."
Future plans:
"We are planning a split release next with a friend's band and to start hopefully releasing a lot of our local friends' bands soon via our label, Limited Hangout."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
"Sorry to anyone that I leave out, but it would be a long list if I listed every band in the region that we love that rips hard. That said, I'll include locals and some from each state around us:
Figure (Bandcamp)
Art Star (Bandcamp)
Show Me Mary (Bandcamp)
Out of towners:
Arbor Labour Union from Atlanta, Georgia (Bandcamp)
Bad Human from Tampa, Florida (Bandcamp)
Mutant Strain (Charlotte, North Carolina (Bandcamp)
The Carcinogen demo is available now via Limited Hangout Records.

Tagged: carcinogen