Band: 100%PURE
From: Brampton, Ontario
Their formation story:
(Kev, vocals): "Pure came outta a show we played in Montreal under the bridge with our old shoegaze band around 2 years ago now. I was writing riffs and songs for an idea I had been mulling over for a few months but didnt know what to do with em. I hadn’t been listening to hardcore for long at that point and was very deep into the music learning everything i could and listening to it. I just hadn’t got involved yet cause this was during the pandemic.
"But after that show, my mentality changed. Seeing everyone moshing, meeting so many cool people, and feelin’ like I was genuinely welcomed somewhere really affected me. Couple that with hardcore sonically scratching an itch and fillin’ in a puzzle piece I had been tryna find for over a decade (most of my life I listened to hip-hop, gangsta rap, shoegaze, noise, metal but never found hardcore).
"I devoted my time to turning the riffs I was working on into what would become the demo. I showed my bandmate and long time homie Marcos (guitar) the new direction. Altho he wasnt sure about it, when he got back from Europe our old band was done and we were focusing on the new direction."
Their sound in their own words:
"Ahhh, I’m not really sure how to describe it other than hardcore with gaze, hip-hop, and grunge influences. When I started writing Pure’s riffs, I wanted it to be groovy and I wanted people to mosh/dance and that's what I’m always gonna do as I dive deeper into my love of hardcore as it further shapes what I write goin’ forward."
Latest release info:
"SHINE-GOLD/HEAL-PAIN is what we just dropped, it’s our first EP. We released it in July and feel like it needed to just be out there to show what the first era of PURE’S sound was as we come up on the first year of being a band. We wanted to capture that vibe as we progress the band’s sound further.
"We recorded it with Andy Dmytryshyn (shoutout legend) and we’re pretty stoked at how it all sounded. He understood the vision of the record which made the recording process smooth and actually really fun (I hate recording). It has a CD-era feel to it that I felt really matched the essence of the songs and record, which we did purposefully in the master. It’s fast, fun, groovy, and even heavy at some points.
"The record is about what the name suggests: take care of what means sommin to you and resolve and ultimately move past the things that dont — at least thats the vibe I got from these songs together and what they meant to me."
Future plans:
"We just gonna tour soon, play gigs wherever, and record a promo for spring."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
"There are so many bands right now here, too many to name without it bein’ a list no one will read, Check our flyers, we’ve played with everyone. But new dope bands droppin’ soon are Enemy Within and Activate.
"In our area if you look - like you should - you’ll find wat you like and imma be real, if you care about hardcore you’ll find the real ones and if you a real one you’ll come out and support. Hardcore about gettin’ involved, showin’ you care and moshin’ if you have the ability to."
100%PURE on social media: Instagram

Tagged: 100%pure