By Carlos Ramirez | 12.14.2020
Some suggestions for those of you who might have missed these killer records.
By A.E. "Ace" Stallings | 8.7.2020
Why all the hype? A contributor to the site digs in.
By Thomas Vixxer | 7.29.2020
"It’s always been ACAB in the Bay, no doubt..."
By Thomas Vixxer | 7.24.2020
16 minutes of complete chaos and fury.
By Bruce HV | 11.5.2019
Featuring King Nine, Gulch, Vamachara, Hands of God, Regional Justice Center, Initiate + more.
By Malachi Greene | 12.13.2018
Spreading the word about some killer groups from NorCal.
By Adam Yoe | 7.31.2018
D-beat, crust, metallic hardcore, punk, and the gnarliest of death metal coalesce on this new EP.
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