It's not too often that a band from Poland reaches out to the site, but I'm glad the gents in Ohyda did. The email was to alert me to Koszmar, their forthcoming 12" on La Vida Es Un Mus, a label that has released titles by such ripping international punk acts as Kohti Tuhoa (Finland), Kriegshög (Japan), and Nueva Fuerza (Spain).
Ohyda (translates to "monstrosity" in Polish) apparently released a self-titled LP in 2016, but that didn't land on my radar for some reason. Anyway, the material on Koszmar rips. Plain and simple. The focus track here is a burner called "Spokój," which I figure would serve as a perfect introduction to Ohyda's sound.
There are elements of D-beat and '80s hardcore living comfortably next to each other in the arrangements, and the vocals are as filthy as the guitar and bass tones throughout the recording. Oh, and don't get me started on that breakdown towards the ending!

The Koszmar 12" is out on Nov. 1 via La Vida Es Un Mus and available for pre-order.
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Tagged: ohyda