A few days ago, Derek Archambault from Defeater hit me up saying he was playing in a new hardcore band called Retract. Joining him in the New Hampshire-based group are drummer Adam Cyr (Corrective Measure), guitarist Ezra Cohen (Ezra Cohen & The Big City Band), and vocalist Courtney Sullivan.
"Ezra and I have been friends and known each other for years playing shows with my other band, Alcoa, and Ezra's Big City Band," Derek wrote me about Retract's genesis story. "I had the songs for the demo mostly written but needed other members to round out the lineup and sought out Corrective Measure drummer Adam Cyr to get the ball rolling.
"Initially, Ezra was asked to just record the demo, but ended up joining the band just before recording commenced. This is Courtney's first outing as a vocalist in a band."
Featuring cover art by longtime Defeater/Alcoa collaborator Steve Minerva, Retract's 5-song demo just hit streaming outlets earlier today:
Here's what Derek had to say about Retract's influences: "I set out to write songs that were reminiscent of early 2000s bands that are staples in my personal taste while still having the band feel relevant in today's world.
"We're pulling from bands that took nods from groovy NYHC without entirely ripping off Outburst, Underdog, and the like...if that makes sense...mixed with breakneck fast parts in the vein of Mindset, Outbreak, or Blacklisted."
So far, Retract has only played one show (with Jivebomb, Headcase, Gumskab, and Zinc in Kittery, Maine), but expect more to be announced very soon.
Retract on social media: Instagram

Tagged: corrective measure, defeater