Jeromes Dream is an entity which thrived from 1997 to 2001. In that short existence, the San Francisco band engaged audiences with two albums—Seeing More Than Safely (2000, Old Glory Records) and Presents (2001, Alone Records)—and three splits (with Amalgamation, July, and Orchid) worth of abrasive, confrontational music.
If it’s easy, call it screamo. Dive deeper and see that the tunes have always been layered with noise rock and hardcore, while Jef Smith’s vocals scathe and scrape his calloused throat. But since 2018, the trio, add Erik Ratensperger on drums and Sean Leary on guitar, have swept up the ashes remaining and now finally announce their new album and third full-length, The Gray In Between.
The Gray In Between boasts their signature sound; enhanced and matured. The intensity pulsates quickly and with a pugilistic swagger. Songs are piercing while the throbbing bass supplies drastic rhythms. The album offers 10 freshly birthed odes to chaos and suffering. While only a few reach over 2:30, the impending destruction looms in every twisted riff and aggressive drum beat (chugging to blast beats) achieving all they can in two minutes.
Angular sections and time changes aid in lifting this band beyond tough mid-tempo charges. But honestly, those moments carry The Gray In Between; matching the intent and intensity of the music with relentless, repeating lashings. Sure, exceptions pick up pace and move forward quicker; “The Future of Memory," “Stretched Invisible Over London," and “AAEEAA” being an excellent examples.
This record sounds akin to Milhouse, Coalesce, Orchid, Swing Kids, Reversal of Man, pageninetynine, and the like, but with a omniscient, dark atmosphere as if filtered through Amebix’s tone.
No Echo is honored to bring you a full stream of The Gray In Between a day before it hits stores and digital outlets:
A consistent sound pushing this feral approach establishes The Gray In Between as Jeromes Dream’s new declaration. This defiant, caustic record is as reminiscent as it is fresh in 2023.
The Gray In Between will be out tomorrow (May 5th) via Iodine Recordings (store).

Tagged: jeromes dream