Straight out of the bordertown of Tijuana, Mexico; GRAYOUT comes ripping with their newest music video.
“Low Lives” is can be found on the band's debut S/T EP, a four-track recording released earlier this year. In true DIY fashion, the EP was recorded, mixed, and mastered by the band’s guitarist Santiago Reyes. Sounds great for a house recording, right?
Although a new band, GRAYOUT's members are not new to the scene. Also, part of other older Tijuana hardcore staples such as Bonebreaker (Safe Inside Records) and Days of Struggle, GRAYOUT was born to carry the torch of the town’s “dark hardcore."
“This sound is our take on an aggressive and violent musical style, if you want to put a name on it you can call it metallic hardcore,” says drummer Ezequiel Capaceta when asked about their stylistic approach. “We feel that this style is what best suits and encapsules our varied yet common musical tastes, and we love playing the songs live. We are influenced by many genres, but some heavy bands we all agree on as a band that may pop up during the songwriting are END, Converge, and Nails”
The music video for “Low Lives” was done by Alan Fonseca who’s worked on different projects in Tijuana (also vocalist for Tijuana pop-punk band Nova Il). Also, Daniel Hernández was behind the video's lighting direction:
As for what’s next for GRAYOUT, drummer Ezequiel says, “Our immediate plans as a band are to play as many shows and tours as possible (and as adult life allows us), keep writing better songs, release another EP and hopefully a full-length within the next year or so.”
READ MORE: Tijuana Hardcore Scene Report 2024
GRAYOUT have two shows lined up for the rest of 2025 in their hometown of Tijuana, with legendary LAHC act More to Pride and newcomers, Headspin, followed by a Christmas benefit show (for cats & dogs!) with the 805 staples, Torena and Dead Heat.
As the band says before starting each one of their sets…. gray the fuck out!
GRAYOUT on social media: Instagram

Tagged: grayout