"Back in 2016, Harris, Dan, and I wanted to start a beatdown hardcore type of band because there was nothing like that coming out of Lower Delaware/Salisbury, Maryland," says Compton, vocalist for Forced Under. The frontman is chatting with No Echo about his group's origin story, but the order of the day is definitely the group's recently released Break the Chains EP.
"My lyrical inspiration for Break the Chains was pretty all over the place, from 'Coward' being about the suicide of my grandfather when I was a child, to 'Turncoat' being about punk ass friends that turn their back on you when times get rough," the singer reveals. "My lyrics come from real shit that I’ve been through to things that currently affect me or those around me everyday. [Guitarist] Dan and [drummer] Harris are the brains behind everything musically in FU — they live 5 minutes from each other and are constantly writing music and sending Joey and I videos of what they write.
"It’s pretty hard for all of us to get together a lot with those two living in Salisbury, MD, Joey living in Lancaster, PA, and my living in Wilmington, DE, but we make it work the best that we can."
The heavy mosh is repped all over Break the Chains, but how does Compton see/hear what Forced Under is doing? "I would describe our sound as 4 dudes that all deal with similar aspects of mental illness. Our music also heavily reflects how we feel about what is wrong with the world today and bullshit that many of us go through with our incompetent local law enforcement and our corrupt justice system. We make music that is important to us that reflects the shit we have been through and may still be going through."

With a new year ahead, Forced Under are looking to build their audience the way they've been doing since forming: by playing a ton of shows. "I’d say that we have a great following along the Eastern Shore and in Joey’s hometown of Lancaster. Every time we play in both areas, the atmosphere is insane and everyone goes absolutely nuts.
"Some of our brothers/sisters in bands throughout the hardcore scene that we have formed bonds with are (sp)lit, No Mercy, Abrupt, Inner Turmoil, Back to Life, Slumped Over Head Open, Dread, BLEED, Sukkawut, and Deep Rest."
Compton and the gang are focused on their aforementioned live schedule and supporting the Break the Chains EP via an upcoming music video for a track from the record. "We are not worried about where this band goes in the future — we are just along for the ride and we are all super stoked to be where we are today because none of us really imagined it would get this far.
"We just want to thank everyone that has helped us out along the way from Step Up Girls Promotions and PA Hate for putting us on in The 717, Ange Valatka for all the love and shows she’s booked us on at Champs in Trenton, NJ (and her kick-ass band, No Mercy), Mike Powell for opening his home to us at the Headquarters in Westminster, MD, my man Jake for the madness he allows to happen at the Meatlocker in Montclair, NJ, and last but not least, everyone that has ever shown this band love. Thank you so much and be on the look out for much more to come from your boys in Forced Under."
Forced Under on social media: Facebook | Bandcamp | Instagram
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