You may have mused once out of sheer ridiculous curiosity, who would win in a fight between a velociraptor or a great white shark? Too hard to tell, well let’s give them both cybernetic enhancements and see how that goes. Maybe they’ll get along swimmingly, but you can’t deny the pairing of two such creatures would be insane, whether as friend or foe. The heft and brutality implied in such a death match is exactly what we have here today, that is two beastly tracks from two feral metalcore bands, Portland, Oregon’s Dying Wish and Alberta’s Serration.
Both bands have already torn 2018 a new one with their respective EPs, Serration’s Shrine of Eternal Life released in January and Dying Wish’s self-titled promo in May, but these bands have joined forces for one helluva year’s end killing blow. Their split 7” is set to drop digitally on Nov. 23, comprising seven tracks of skull-crushing metalcore delights. Today we have the honor of unleashing two of these monsters upon this unsuspecting world.

Dying Wish’s “Fall From Grace” is far and away the nastiest track the Portland quartet has yet offered. Upheld by towering panicked riffs, the track surges with unforgiving malice, with venom dripping off every snarled word. The climactic breakdown stabs its way through “Fall From Grace’s” final moments, adding a heavy cherry atop an already vicious, mosh-inducing sundae.
Serration’s aptly titled “Boiling Point” is scalding, a three-minute heart pounder blessed with murderous immediacy. Wasting no time but to pause for a tone-setting sample, Serration is all about being as mean as inhumanly possible here, and it’s a goal they achieve in spades.

2018 may be drawing to a close, but the hits, as they say, keep on coming and Dying Wish and Serration are here for blood. Don’t disappoint them, pick up this beasty of a split this Friday. Hit the Blasphemour Records store for the pre-order and the different bundle options, which you can see below:

Tagged: dying wish, serration