The origin of Los Angeles band Bitch Jagger was borne of out of a dysfunctional situation. "I met Justin OG Sweetbread (guitar) and Chris Arrias (bass) about two years prior to the Pandemic," vocalist Jimmy begins explaining.
"The 3 of us all played in a band all at separate times with this toxic dude who we thought was our friend. Long story short, his actions ended up driving us all together to do our own things, the 3 of us all had been hardcore kids who came up in the early-to-mid-2000s scene.
"I’m from Los Angeles and have played in hardcore bands since the early '00s, so I basically started Bitch Jagger as a therapy tool and a way to vent by writing and recording whimsical/personal songs with a hardcore influence in my living room off a cheap $30 interface. Chris and Justin and I wanted to play local shows and agreed to help me out so I hit up Evan Garcia (drums) and Anthony (guitar) both are East Los Angeles natives and played with me in a prior punk band years ago. Once the lineup was set, we started booking shows for fun and testing the waters out in this current hardcore scene and here we are now."
Bitch Jagger have released a couple of singles so far, including "Restraining Orders," which dropped in late August:
"Our sound/style comes from what I miss and loved the most about hardcore and something we all kinda see being slept on, and that’s that raw Youth Crew spirit," Jimmy says.
"Everything seems so heavy these days, moshing and dancing seem to get all the attention, and I get it, we were all there 20 years ago with the same look in our eyes as the kids today have. But we wanted to bring back a more traditional, inclusive and fun sound of hardcore that really pushed the boundaries for participation and maybe put a little bit of positivity out there while still being able to discuss what we are all angry at."
Jimmy told No Echo Bitch Jagger have their debut EP coming out in November. As far as other bands from their area they recommend, Jimmy said: "Big Infant (members from Xibalba and Bitch Jagger), Trap Girl, Gottlieb, Casey Anthony, and Jack-Knife."
Bitch Jagger on social media: Instagram

Tagged: bitch jagger