New HC Bands

New Hardcore Band Spotlight: PIT

Photo: Raven Washington

Band: PIT
From: Michigan

Their formation story:
(Mitchell Nelson, guitar/vocals): "We're both originally from California, and we hadn't been in Michigan very long when we started playing. Neither of us knew anyone in any scenes and we found one another through Craigslist less than a year ago. We had chemistry right off the bat and quickly realized we were content being a two-piece.

Their sound in their own words:
"Black Sabbath is obviously #1. Beyond them, we like to think we're equal parts hardcore punk and sludge metal. We love classic hardcore like Minor Threat and Black Flag, as well as new stuff like SPY and Armor. As far as the sludge side, we steal a lot from Eyehategod and Acid Bath."

Latest release info:
"CYNICAL EP is our second release. It's three tracks, including a cover of Electric Wizard's 'Return Trip.' The whole thing is dark and aggressive, and it captures the range of our sound."

Future plans:
"We've got a third EP, Bastard of Reality, coming out in June. We're touring California in August and playing a bunch of Midwest shows between now and then. We're not stopping anytime soon."

What other bands from their region should we check out?
"Missandrist, Phantom, and Sissy Boys come to mind."


PIT on social media: Instagram | Bandcamp


Tagged: pit