Band: Petalpusher
From: Phoenix, Arizona
Their formation story:
(Justin, guitar): "We formed just over 7 months ago, I was in a former project with Nate (bass), named Life and Limb that was beginning to struggle with regular lineup changes and scheduling issues. We had discussed trying to start another project that was more natural and cohesive, where each member was equally as excited to write and play.
"I had recently been back in contact with longtime friend and former bandmate Tyler (vocals) who had also formerly played in Life and Limb. He had just moved back to Phoenix after moving away about a year prior and was itching to get involved with music again ASAP. So, when I brought up getting together with Nate and I, he was super excited.
"Then we just had the issue of finding a drummer, coincidentally Tyler worked with a dude named Jordan(drummer) who happened to mention he played and was all in for meeting up. All the pieces very quickly and naturally fell into place. After getting together for a jam we quickly realized how well our sense of humor and perspectives clicked together.
"With very similar tastes and writing styles, things started coming together rather quickly. We were all super impressed with Jordan(drummer) as this is his first band and he absolutely tore it up, we couldn't wait to get things moving. The more we played together the more I felt how much our relationship with each other came through in the music and performances. Being friends and making eachother laugh brought about a real sincerity and weight with each and every song."
Their sound in their own words:
(Justin): "We all come from similar yet slightly varied backgrounds when it comes to what influenced us and what makes its way into our writing subconscious. I grew up in South Boston as a kid listening to Suicide File, Converge, Bane, Have Heart and plenty of other non-New England bands as well.
"Some of my biggest influences from a writing standpoint are, Shai Hulud, Poison the Well, Turmoil, Hopesfall, Martyr A.D. We are striving to recreate the bygone era of melodic hardcore, we want to punch you in the stomach with breakdowns but give you an emotional and melodic hook and groove. Think, a The Carrier and Remembering Never love child, perhaps."
Latest release info:
(Tyler, vocals): "For Who We Used to Be is an open letter to my younger self; about how clearity comes in time without even having to be proactively seeking it. To attempt to carve out self meaning and grow. Each song almost harkens back to a different era of hardcore, with parts that hit hard and parts that push emotion in the riffs and lyrics."
Future plans:
(Tyler): "Play some sick shows and get our performances and live sound out there."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
(Tyler/Justin): "Beyond All Doubt, Hardluck, Gemm."
Petalpusher on social media: Instagram
Tagged: petalpusher