Band: Latch
From: Massachusetts
Their formation story:
"The drummer and bass player are brothers I met through playing in another band. A while after that band broke up we started playing together and working on songs. We spent a long time looking for singers, and we eventually found our singer on Reddit listing looking for bands to sing for."
Their sound in their own words:
"I would describe our sound as sorta equal parts punk and hardcore. Stylistically, I think we lean more to the punk side but the hardcore influence is always there. Everyone in the band writes riffs, and we all bring our parts or full songs to practice and hash everything out and mix and match riffs to best serve the songs.
"Our influences are SPY, GEL, Gouge Away, Gumm, Swamp Thing, and Alan Jackson."
Latest release info:
"The demo (released June 9th) we just put out was written, performed, and recorded by us. We created a very makeshift studio at our practice space, and recorded the whole thing in a full day marathon.
"These are the first songs we wrote together and they had been waiting for lyrics and vocals for some time so it was awesome adding Chris to the band to pull these together."
Future plans:
"Immediate plans for the band are gigging as much as possible, and getting another EP recorded this winter."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
"Shout out to BILLY, Sink, New Forms, the Greying and Human Form."
Latch on social media: Instagram

Tagged: latch