Band: Goethe
From: Sydney, Australia
Their formation story:
(Kerry, vocals): "Goethe came together last year, most of us are in other bands or have been in the past and I think we all just wanted to do something fast, cathartic and fun. I swore I wouldn’t do another band after the last one I was in but everyone in the band are so kind so it was an easy decision to make to start something up.
"I’d done guest vocals here and there and played bass in a few different projects but I’ve never considered singing full time so after a lot of encouragement from the others we started Goethe."
Their sound in their own words:
"We’re all fans of different genres so I think that plays an interesting part in the sound we make. To name a few - Blacklisted, Punch, GEL, Ceremony. Essentially 2010’s Deathwish with some new stuff mixed in."
Latest release info:
"This first release, Illithid Demo, was recorded over the summer last year in the back of Resist Records after closing time. Marcus recorded everything and we essentially did it all ourselves with some help from friends in the community (DIY forever). At the time I was playing a lot of Baldur’s Gate 3.
"For anyone who doesn’t play, or isn’t familiar with D&D / BG - Illithids are these evil, untrustworthy, mind sucking guys. I weirdly have a fondness for them. I’ve always struggled with my mental health and complexities around social anxiety so to be given a platform to voice that and hopefully allow other people to be heard too is a great privilege.
"The Illithid Demo was written for the weirdos. xo The artwork was created by Thomas Sweetman and mastering by Tom Sigal, both wonderful people whose art and hard work we all admire greatly."
Future plans:
"We have a few shows lined up over the next little while and have talked a little bit about what our next release could be. Other than me, the guys are all in relatively prolific projects so I think we’ll just feel it out as it goes, some interstate shows could be fun. I’d love to play in my hometown so maybe we’ll try and make that happen."
What other bands from their region to check out?
"Besides our directly affiliated bands, Amends, Burn In Hell, Mowgli and Potion, We're big fans of Hunny, Histamine, L.O.W, Sun Run, Tired Minds, Daisy Chain, Smile Lines, Raised As Wolves and Jacob. A lot of really beautiful people making music we value."
Goethe on social media: Instagram

Tagged: goethe