Band: For One Hate
From: Québec City, Québec
Their formation story:
(Christophe Roy, bass): "We were always deep into our scene, going to shows often and hanging around the same people. In August last year, we made a group chat with plans of going out for a poutine at the local place Chez Gaston after a show at our local venue L'Anti. It was an amazing show, with Edict, Pure Bliss, and Niagara's Reality Denied.
"After the show, the group chat stayed active and we all figured out we wanted a band, turns out we were well set up for it. Xavier, our guitarist, had extensive musical experience both in and out of hardcore, as well as mixing knowledge and equipement. Our vocalist, Alexis, had just started vocal classes and was really motivated to learn.
"Finally, our drummer, my twin brother Antoine, was already renting a space we could practice at for his drumset. We decided to just give it at go and try to see what would happen and it all clicked really well, the rest is history."
Their sound in their own words:
"I would describe our sound as a mix of modern beatdown/hardcore with an emphasis on the grooves and breakdowns of slam. Some hardcore has amazing grooves already but we're actively seeking them and putting them at the forefront of our sound. That way, you get a result that ensures the maximum amount of violence and fun. Some of our influences include PeelingFlesh, Foghorn, Bashed In, Corpse Pile, Sunami, Volcano, Two-Piece, Reality Denied, Guerre, Bodybox, and Snuffed on Sight."
Latest release info:
"Demo is our first release as a band, it's the result of quite a lot of work over a 5-month period. We focused on finding our sound and making it as unique as we could, but I would say the most important part was making it fun. You can find a few French Canadian samples in there exactly for that reason, because what's the point of making sick music if you can't fool around with it."
Future plans:
"We're already writing new material that should come out around the summer. We've also got a few local shows lined up until then including a small festival in may. We're hoping once the next step is done to go for the first time to Ontario and Northeast US."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
"Our local city has been missing it's new wave of bands, but we have a few older bands: Get the Shot, Don't Try, Peer Pressure, and more on the side of slam we also have Necroticgorebeast and APES.
"We're also quite lucky to share the province with the incredible MTLHC scene with bands such as Scaramanga, Bruiserweight, Cesspool, Cold Authority, Shut Away, Desecrate, and Bonebearer."
Hit the For One Hate Linktree to find all of their social media pages.

Tagged: for one hate