Band: Divine Sentence
From: Zürich, Switzerland
Their formation story:
(Sofia, vocals): "After a rehearsal with another band, Basil (guitar) and Franz (bass) talked about how cool it would be to start a vegan metalcore band. Luckily, there already was myself and Noah (drums), two dedicated members of the scene who cared about animal rights, and we all were stoked to join the project. It all just clicked perfectly—we started practicing and recording songs!"
Their sound in their own words:
"We would describe it as simply moshing for the animals, metal riffs, and panic chords."
Latest release info:
"Promo ‘24 marks a step up, both in songwriting and in production quality. The songs had more time to evolve and we worked with someone outside the band for recording the first time. The two songs are quite different in style, but they span the sound of what we want to pursue musically: metallic riffs, melodies, panic chords, breakdowns.
"The song 'Flames of Justice' especially stands out, since it’s our second song that isn’t about veganism, but about a topic that is as important to talk about. It serves as a bold declaration, emphasizing the critical necessity to reshape not only political landscapes but also societal perceptions of women. It challenges ingrained norms, encouraging a transformation in how we view and engage with women in the political sphere, questioning the very foundations upon which our political structures are built."
Future plans:
"The promo release is a hint that something big is on the horizon. We can't say exactly what or when, but just bear with us, it's in progress.
"Our agenda includes playing as many weekenders outside of Switzerland as possible, and an upcoming tour is also in the pipeline. Brace yourselves for 'Animal Liberation, Vegan Domination,' soon to hit a city near you! Stay vigilant and keep your eyes wide open for updates."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
The Sun Is A Giant Molotov, Lichter Wald, Fever Dreams, Cancel, Mr. Linus, Caress, GOELDI, Safe State, Path of Resurgence."
Divine Sentence on social media: Facebook | Instagram

Tagged: divine sentence